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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

May Newsletter

Word of the day:
Grace: n, 1b : a virtue coming from God. In the Zambian language, Nyanja, ‘chisomo’ means grace.

Dear friends and family,

These past few months since returning from the Philippines have flown by. I’ll give you a brief play-by-play for those who haven’t been receiving my communications.

*December 21 I arrived home to Renton, Washington, just in time for the holidays with my family.
*By the end of January, I was already beginning to study and prepare for my 8-hour NARM (North American Registered Midwives) exam and two midwives from my class flew in to study with me.
*The first weeks of February were consumed with studying, we took the exam on February 15, then spent the rest of the month worrying over whether or not we passed.
*We received word that my classmates and I passed the exam and were certified midwives. The beginning of March, my mom had bunion surgery and I helped take care of her and cook. I also spent a lot of time thinking about the last year in the Philippines and finding healing.
*In April, Highlands Community Church hired me to work as an intern in the International Outreach Department. I attended the Action International Ministries orientation for new missionaries and was accepted to work with them in Zambia, Africa!
*May… I begin the journey of trusting God to provide a strong prayer team and the finances for the mission field – individuals committed to making my mission and my ministry in Zambia our mission and our ministry.

I have invested so many years of hopes and dreams, training and tears that it still amazes me to be reaching out for these next steps. I loved the ministry with the buntis (pregnant women) in the Philippines – developing friendships, praying for them and with them, meeting physical needs and always praying God’s hand could be seen in me. I am looking forward to continuing this ministry in Zambia!

One relationship I valued this past year was with Grace. She came in during her pregnancy and through our friendship I took over as her primary midwife. By the time she went into labor, we were expecting a larger baby but she took us by surprise when she went into exhausted tremors and possibly convulsions near the end. She recovered and her baby seemed fine for a few minutes before its heartbeat dropped dangerously low and unregulated. We had to get the baby out quickly, so we urged her to push and the baby got stuck on the way out. With some quick maneuvering we were able to get Grace’s baby out, but she was exhausted and frightened. When we talked over her birth later, she told me that when she had the convulsions she thought she was dying. Grace and I talked about what had gone on and why and then I was able to share with her a little of God’s grace over her life. What an amazing opportunity it is to make a connection between one life and God in a tangible way!

As I was looking over some of my previous emails and blog entries from this past year, I was struck by how much God did, how He orchestrated answers to desperate situations, and how He used you. I have appreciated the community of believers more this past year than any other. Every prayer, every email, every piece of mail or phone conversation was an encouragement for me to go on with the ministry, to remember the hope God has given me and to share a piece of that hope with the women around me. In one year, I delivered 54 babies and helped out with over 120 births. That is well over 350 lives touched with just deliveries!

I am writing to you now to ask if you will make this mission and this ministry your own. I am hoping to be able to join the team in Zambia the beginning of September. I invite you to come pray alongside me and for me, and to share in the financial responsibilities of this work. I have enclosed a simple sheet within this letter where you can designate your desire to join my prayer team, give a one-time financial gift towards my traveling and setup funds of $10,000, give a monthly donation towards my living and ministry expenses once in the country of $2000, or to join me on the field. Please prayerfully consider how you might be involved with me and the ministry I will be doing. All of my support must be raised before I am able to leave for Zambia.

And thank you once again for all you have already done. May the Lord bless you as you remember the grace He has poured out on our behalf.


[Captions for pictures can be found on the Zambia with a View webpage]

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