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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

Back in the bush, back to work!

Hi from Sinazongwe!

I arrived back to find our work has grown in my absence. Susan and I have been working quite a good amount- no births yet, but a few prospects which I am happy about. I have two students- Favorite and Sandra.

Both have been really keen to learn and I'm enjoying teaching them in the classroom on Tuesdays and then watching them in clinics and following up their new skills. They are bright and doing well. You can pray that they will continue to be good learners and that I will be a good teacher! Susan has 3-4 students, depending on the week, so you can pray for her and them as well!

Susan and I (mostly Susan and then I help her when I am finished with my patients) saw 84 patients in one day last week and decided that we need to cut back for quality of Christian healthcare rather than just quantity.

It isn't an easy decision with the lack of medical care around here, but we see the need to be intentional and also to be good models to our students from the beginning. We are already seeing our need for more medical personnel- know anyone? Feel free to email me back!

Sorry I can't communicate more often, but I will try and get to email once a month, more if possible. It is amazingly difficult to extract internet from your life once you've become so accustomed to it!

May God bless you as you begin this Fall season!


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