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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

Word of the day:
Water: n, a : the liquid that descends from the clouds as rain. In the Zambian language, Nyanja, ‘madzi’ means water.

Dear friends and family,

Do you ever stop and think, “Shouldn’t I at least have the faith to trust the Lord?” These last three months have shown me fluctuating between trusting Him to provide all my needs… and asking the Lord for the faith to trust Him. I don’t know that I will ever understand how God is glorified by us asking for faith to trust Him. I would think He would be discouraged that we aren’t holding up our end of the bargain, but instead He waters our little mustardseeds, teaches us to trust Him, and even keeps us encouraged while we wait for Him to provide!

It is a humbling and awe-inspiring position to be raising money for all of one’s financial needs and I have watched the Lord provide through so many familiar faces, and even strangers! So far, I have received all but the last $500+ per month that I need to raise- praise the Lord! Please continue to pray about whether God would have you give. $10 or $20 per month gets me one step closer to full-time ministry in Zambia and being able to leave this September!

In case you are in the area this weekend, August 12-13, I will be prayed for and commissioned at Highlands Community Church (3031 NE 10th St, Renton, WA 98056) at all the services. That’s 6pm on the 12th and 8am, 9:30am, and 11:10am on the 13th. Please feel welcome to join me!

I had a neat opportunity to substitute for the Elementary Sunday School teacher last week. I thought I would get one or two classes, but ended up with about 80 1st-5th graders! Some of you are thinking that I work with mothers and newborns for a reason, but it actually went really well! ;) At the end of our singing, taste-testing Zambian food, and looking at pictures, the best part was when the kids offered up their prayers for God’s provision in Zambia. One boy prayed, “Dear God, I pray you would provide the people in Africa with clean water as I know that it is very easy to get diseases or dehydrated over there.”

How honoring it is to the Lord when we care for others, trust Him for problems that seem enormous to us, and allow Him to grow our faith! May we all continue in this walk together!

[Captions for pictures can be found on the Zambia with a View webpage]

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