If you send a missionary a package...
she's going to get all excited and have to blog about it!
Today I received a package!
As I was trying to think what it is about packages and mail that really means so much when one is overseas, I thought of this: It’s a combination of knowing that people have thought of you, seeing things that are familiar and that you enjoy (that often aren't available), and thinking of the people who you love and enjoy at home in a more tangible way.
Mail is just one of so many ways you can minister to a missionary- I really appreciate updates on peoples' lives, "home" or Stateside news, pictures (really small ones because our bandwidth is small- less than 100 KB per picture, please!), phone calls (I am regularly on Skype- an online program which is free to talk from computer to computer- my skype name is sib22grace- and about $0.02 a minute from computer to phone- my cell number is 099862482) or texts (also to my cell phone), any kind of mail, reminders that you are praying for me, posting comments on my blog (www.smustardseed.blogspot.com, financial giving, etc!
Thank you so much for each one of you who have and continue to minister to me in each of these ways!
Today I received a package!
As I was trying to think what it is about packages and mail that really means so much when one is overseas, I thought of this: It’s a combination of knowing that people have thought of you, seeing things that are familiar and that you enjoy (that often aren't available), and thinking of the people who you love and enjoy at home in a more tangible way.
Mail is just one of so many ways you can minister to a missionary- I really appreciate updates on peoples' lives, "home" or Stateside news, pictures (really small ones because our bandwidth is small- less than 100 KB per picture, please!), phone calls (I am regularly on Skype- an online program which is free to talk from computer to computer- my skype name is sib22grace- and about $0.02 a minute from computer to phone- my cell number is 099862482) or texts (also to my cell phone), any kind of mail, reminders that you are praying for me, posting comments on my blog (www.smustardseed.blogspot.com, financial giving, etc!
Thank you so much for each one of you who have and continue to minister to me in each of these ways!
I love you Steph and have you alaways in my thoughts and prayers.
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