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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

Language Learning to the glory of God

Life does seem to move slower in Africa... I've been here in Zambia for two weeks now and already I feel it. We have orientation and language four days a week plus language learning and work and church on Sunday, I feel like I've been pretty busy.

Someday you are welcome to visit and see what I mean. :) Come on, you know you want to!

Alright... prayer request numero uno: we have begun language learning. :)

Prayer request numero dos: our election is today (9/28). There is an election every 5 years in Zambia and the current president, Levy Mwanawasa, is running against Michael Sata and Hakainde Hichilema- feel free to research their political agendas. ;)

We have seen some riots and 'random' violence in the city, but have been able to avoid it. So far there is little worry, but please pray for a fair election and that God would lead this country in the direction it needs to go. Also for after the election is announced that there won't be any outbreak from opposing parties.

I am well and enjoying settling into life. I live at Action Zambia's Farm. It is about 30 minutes outside the city of Lusaka, down a long and bumpy dirt road. Here Glenn and Liese- the director and his wife live in a small house with their two Zambian kids, Gift and Grace. Megan and Susan live in a large cement hut, William and Gerry live in another cement hut, there is a communal house with rooms for short term teams and guests, a large kitchen, bathroom, dining and living space that we all share, and a study. My hut is next to the team house.

The two families (one who live in town) and I have all just arrived and are meeting together with Glenn and Liese for orientation and language study.

The rest of the Action Zambia (AZ) team lives in Lusaka- three families, and Brenda and Julie.

We eat mostly 'Americanized' food and all help out with the cooking.

During the year there is a fairly busy visiting schedule and then teams come during the summer months. Currently we have two ladies from Illinois and Indiana visiting to provide Women's Retreats and the Director of Action Philippines and his wife, Jeff and Maryanne.

So, there are quite a few people around and I have enjoyed spending time getting to know everyone.

Life has already begun to feel normal, so I really can't think of much else to tell you, but send me your questions if you have any. :)

God bless!


P.S. And, yes, I did post pictures ;)
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At 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh hullo Steph....for those Canadians who don't speak Spanish and tried to learn french, you must provide translations for words like, "uno" and "dos." :)
Haha..just giving you a rough time. I like the looks of your room steph!! And glad you're safe and sound. HEy...working on getting to Zambia next summer with TWU...keep you posted.
Much love and a great big hug!!!


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