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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

9 1/2 days, one county fair, and 42 dollars

I have a ticket!

Yes, just a little bit excited over here. I will leave the evening of the 8th- after a visit to the Puyallup Fair to get in all my Fair foods with my family, of course! :)

I have $42/month left to raise as of this morning and am so thankful for a faithful God who opens the way and provides for it!

Other than that I have been trying to see friends and spend time with family, including a birthday date to Triple X burger in Issaquah with my brother, these last few days. Still working on that quilt, too... ;) I know, I've been saying that for months.

You can pray for all these last minute details to come together. There are some things in the mail- like my contacts for two years that I would love to get before I go. Also some last minute things to buy. I was blessed to find bar shampoo in a PCC store in the area after searching a bit. I was advised to stock up because it's expensive in Zambia and then I found this unique solution to my problem! :)

So, here we go. God is good and faithful and everyday He proves this.

Bwana as ifiwe- praise the Lord!
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At 5:10 PM, Blogger Beth B said...

I love you and hope you have a safe trip.    

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