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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

I'm leaving on a jet plane...

Well, technically three on connecting flights spanning 31:40 hours including layovers... :)

I leave Seattle this Friday night (the 8th) and arrive at 3:45pm Zambia time on the 10th (6:45am our time). Whew! Please pray for me as I am doing packing trials- pray that my stuff doesn't weigh quite as much as my bathroom scale reports... and that I don't have any hassles flying- especially getting through customs in Zambia and that all my baggage gets there!

I also have a slight setback for you to pray for... I received news today that there was a slight error in my funding and I am not receiving $140/month from a donor that I had thought I was. This- along with some other donations this weekend brought my total up to 100% of my support level. So, you can understand how this is slightly disheartening... but I know that God is good and He's taking care of me. Please pray with me that this $140/month will quickly be filled. It would be such a blessing for me even to know before I leave that this is taken care of.

Thanks so much for all of your love and support. I have truly enjoyed seeing and spending time with each of you. For those that I haven't been able to say, "See you later!" to in person, please know that I will look forward to our next meeting and catching up.

See you later!

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At 8:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steph!
We are looking forward to reading your blog and your missionary adventures. Praying that you find deep community in the place you live with your neighbours and colleagues!
Love, Bek and family    

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