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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

88 degrees in October

As you can imagine, living in a semi-tropical country during the northern-hemisphere's "Fall" makes me think more of summertime. However, rains have come early. We have had a few showers which makes me feel right at home :)

The last two weeks I have enjoyed Carrie G. and Bobbi C's (both involved in women's ministry in the US) ministry to us women here on the mission field. They came and did a church women's retreat for some Zambian women. Then, on the 7th they did an all-day Lusaka women missionary conference. It was really wonderful and the women remarked that they have never been to anything like this on the field before!

On the 9th-11th Carrie and Bobbie hosted the ACTION women at the Lilayi Lodge for a three-day retreat. It was such a neat time for me to really get to know the women on my team and allow myself to pause and listen to the Lord. When I was in the US someone told me that I was creating a new theology on suffering- just personally. As I am here I find that God is teaching me about suffering and how He uses it to His glory. It is hard for me to imagine that I would ever know the suffering of the people here in Zambia- poverty, poor health/health care, AIDS, lack of teaching about the richness of Christ's love and His desire for a relationship with us- yet, He is teaching even me.

I have been so blessed to receive all of your emails and encouragements over this past month as I have been working on language skills and orientation. I was even able to receive a whole suitcaseful of clothing, books, and other things (like an exercise ball ;) from my mom. My Grandma Iseko was even able to finish the infamous quilt and send it along! It was so fun to receive, even though it is a little warm to use it right now.

The last few weeks, Susie, a nurse here with ACTION, and I have been discussing our need to begin preparing to sit for our Zambian nursing and midwifery boards in December. It is a difficult system to get through as I'm sure they don't want foreigners taking jobs of Zambians and there is no way to denote that we are volunteers. Please pray that God would direct us as we prepare for our exams and that His plan would succeed. Susie has already taken the exam twice and not passed, even with very high scores- please pray that we will have grace and not be frustrated.

After our exam in December, the plan is for Susie and I to begin teaching a Community Health Evangelism (CHE) course in some of the churches we work with... setting the groundwork for medical missions. Would you please pray with us that we would know the way God is leading Action Zambia medically, as this is a very new ministry for us here? Thanks so much!

Please feel free to check out more pictures that I have posted at Zambia with a View!

For His glory, Stephanie
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