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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb


Has anyone else experienced plagues? I mean, there were the plagues of Egypt... and I somehow don't think they quite stopped for this continent I live on. You can look through some of my past posts and pictures, but that is an impression I have had since moving to Zambia. Here is our latest plague. Ants.

And, yes, they do bite. Tenacious little creatures- they are about the size of your little fingertip (rather large for an ant). They can quickly crawl up you and have a tendency to lodge themselves in your pants and akward body creases. They are known as 'take-off-your-pants' ants and (though not yet publicly) many of us have had to make quick exits from public places in order to take care of ant problems. So you can just imagine our distress at finding the ants invading our huts last week.

Luckily we had motor oil, fingernail polish remover, hairspray, bug spray, and butane and plenty of matches on hand (hehe).
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