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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb

Sinazongwe and exam short update


We have been having incredible difficulties getting stuff downloaded online this past week! Sorry to be so delinquent with news- and even this is just a blurb with more to come tomorrow. I wanted you to know that I was able to take the examination- there were some discrepancies with the General Nursing Council two days before the exam and they weren't looking favorably on me to take it. But, it is finished! Praise the Lord! There were parts that I found difficult last time that I felt better about because of studying those. And others that I felt were difficult. Oh well.

I think I have decided that if I do not pass this time I am supposed to wait on the Lord for my next move. So, these next months could be very interesting as we deviate from 'my plan.' :) You just never know with the Lord- except that it will be true and right and perfect and His.

Thanks to everyone for your encouraging messages and prayers for Susie and my exams- please continue to pray as we wait for the results- that the General Nursing Council will be favorable to us and allow us to work in this country as a nurse and a midwife.

I am looking forward to sharing stories from Sinzongwe, but please feel free to click on 'Zambia with a View' and go to 'May 07 Zambia' to get an idea of what we were up to for two weeks. We really enjoyed ourselves and our new friends Fanwell and Agnes who we will help to train once we are down in August. We saw over 200 people in 6 days worth of clinics- which is amazing (especially since most were Susie's patients since mine are more relational patients).

Thanks for your patience and staying tuned. I'll see if I can't get more stories for you even tomorrow!

Love, Steph
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