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stephanie's mustardseed

“for truly I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.” matthew 17:20 nasb


Hello all!

Just a quick update to let you know what's going on!

Shannon, Shannon, Susie, and I (yes, it is fun to say that to people ;) just got back from Livingstone and seeing Victoria Falls. Feel free to check out my blog (and theirs for stories and pictures… and video!). Other than that, Shannon C., Susie, and I start teaching again at Living Waters this week. Susie and I also must begin our studying process for our medical exams. Please pray!! This is important. There are several Zambians who are requesting that the General Nursing Council reassess our scores (we don't believe that we received less than 50% on our tests and perhaps with their help we wouldn't have to take the exam again). This really needs to happen by this week and we may have an answer by Tuesday morning. We would really rather not go through the exam and wondering if we passed and not knowing why we didn't, so if you could keep us in your prayers, we are always blessed by that. We know that God is in control either way, but it does get discouraging at times.

We also have a million things to do before heading to Sinazongwe for the last two weeks of this month. We are REALLY excited to go and see the work there that we will be joining in August!

Well, I pray that you are blessed this week. I'm sure it's starting to get nice and warm and sunny wherever you are. It's starting to get cold here- long sleeves some days, pants, blankets, socks at night. Strange!

Love, Steph

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